Hey There, I'm Ali!An experienced frontend developer from Iran.

Front-End Development
Mobile App Development
Fast Prototyping
My best projects which I'm proud of!
Zilink(Website)Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, Redux, Zustand, MaterialUI, CSS ModulesThe #1 micro-landing page builder in Iran, with over 600K active users!
Karsaz(Website)Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Redux, Tailwind CSSA kind of search engine for educational courses and also for finding jobs based on user's skills and abilities!
141.ir(Website)Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Redux, Ant design, FirebaseWebsite of the Iran's road management center with over 400K monthly visits!
Karsaz(Mobile App.)Tech Stack: TypeScript, React-Native, Context API, FirebaseApplication to find suitable courses and apply for job positions!
141(Mobile App.)Tech Stack: Flutter, Bloc State Management, FirebaseApplication of the Iran's road management center, for navigating, road weather forecast, road news, etc.
IraqPayment(Mobile App.)Tech Stack: JavaScript, React-Native, Context API, FirebaseAn application for online payment in Iraq market!